Category Archives: podcasts

Amos Lee: “Last Days” Podcasts

ETA2:  The vids are back with a few extra delicious tidbits (see below).  Don’t mean to pre-empt Colette’s Corner spotlight on David Cook, so make sure to visit the post below this one.

ETA: Sorry folks, Amos evidently pulled these off of YouTube.  Believe me, they WERE really good stuff.  I’ll try to find them elsewhere…


Amos does it again. In anticipation of his coming new CD, Last Days at the Lodge, Amos Lee provides a podcast for most of the songs on the CD. He gives an explanation of the song and some of the history behind who, what, when and why. Now, some may not be interested in the detail, but as a liner note junkie from way back, I LOVE THIS STUFF.

I like to understand where the artist was coming from when they wrote the song and what they were trying to convey or what the story is behind a key change or rhythmic riff. I know this is a lot of YouTubeness, but each one is only about 2 minutes long and gives some wonderful insight to this CD, that I’m predicting will be even a bigger hit than the first two.

Amos is a very “real” guy who is very transparent in his artistry. No hidden or mysterious innuendos or aloofness, just WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get, for all you post DOS folks). It’s guys (and gals) like these that I truly appreciate. They “make the sausage” and show us all the parts, then let it stand on it’s own for us to enjoy the flavor.

He talks about music influences by Merle Haggard, Bob Dylan, Bob Marley and Paul Simon, and the fact that his music comes more out of practice than theory. There are some real nuggets of insight to the artist that Amos Lee is.

So, when you have a little time this weekend, check out the podcasts for Last Days at the Lodge…right here, at Music Maven:

Ease Back

It Started to Rain

Jails & Bombs



Street Corner Preacher


What’s Been Going On?

Won’t Let Me Go


Don’t forget to pre-order your CD at Amazon or to download the tracks from iTunes on June 24th. You will not regret it.

Here are a couple of “hot off the press” vids done expressly for YouTube by Amos, IN HIS LIVING ROOM!  I love this guy….noice couch.

  Baby I Want You

  Keep it Loose, Keep it Tight

Notice the invitation to respond to Amos via a song “cover” and his acknowledgement that he listens to the heartfelt covers that people do of his songs on YouTube.  That, is making a kun-NECK-shun.