Category Archives: weight loss

Day 1

Here we go…

Today, I started down the path to health by exercise and losing 40 lbs. My goal is to lose 2 lbs. per week, so by the end of the year I should be a whole new me, complete with more energy and hopefully, a new wardrobe.

About a month or so ago, my high school classmate, Barbara posted her recent weight loss journey and it really inspired me. She set the 2 lb. a week goal and committed to exercise. While she “is NOT a runner”, she began walking and running and counting calories and now she looks and feels phenomenal. She even completed a triathalon in Memphis last week, coming in 2nd in her age group — the first time she attempted one.

She was also very candid that it’s a commitment and it’s hard. I have no illusions that this is going to be easy, but I have to start somewhere. So, today I walked 2.5 miles and ran about 1/2 a mile of that. Tomorrow, I will do it again and my plan is to mix in some Yoga. My main goal is to get to a point where I’m actually excited to exercise, because Lord knows I’m not there yet. But, my eye is now on the prize. I want to feel better and look better.

I am also trying to discipline myself to blog each day…another exercise of sorts. And, I’m documenting my journey to try and hold myself accountable. So, each week or so, I will address progress. I couldn’t locate a recent picture of myself that includes the neck down as I prohibited most pictures, particularly those. As such, I had Al take this one:

Not going to list my starting weight. Suffice it to say it’s the heaviest I’ve ever been. But, I’m not looking backwards…all eyes in front.


Posted by on August 7, 2011 in weight loss