Category Archives: the river

1-1-11….Renewal Time

So, it’s finally a new year and I have resolved to start blogging again.

I could go into why I took a sabbatical, but wouldn’t want to bore folks with my trials and tribulations.  Suffice it to say that 2010 had its ups & downs for me, just like everyone else.  I did experience some major life changes in that I changed jobs (again) and we went through Dave’s Senior year of high school and his subsequent leaving for college.  In between all of that, we have been trying to sell our house so that we can build our dream house “on the river”, but the economy and the Gulf Oil Spill created a frozen market with not a one offer in a year. 

We’re hoping that the Spring of 2011 will bring a motivated buyer so that we can get on with our lives.  Which brings me back to this blog.  While I’ve decided to keep the name, the format will change somewhat.  I’ll still delve into Music, but plan to include some other “features” that may or may not revolve around photography, sports, politics, home building, decorating, fishing, wine, and anything else that I have a burning desire to share here.

I hope that you will come by, read, and comment and I hope that 2011 brings the best on all fronts for everyone.

New Year, Death Cab for Cutie


A Going Jessie

Just when I thought (again) that I knew every intricate corner of Mr. D’s mind, he surprises me again.  Reminiscient of my discovery of his penchant for musicals, he made a comment yesterday that the recent “green shoots” in the stock market are a “going Jessie”.


I know a lot of useless information, including historical slang, but had NEVER heard this phrase before.  While I understand the context, I had no idea of the origin.  So, after a good laugh and conversation with Mr. D regarding where he picked up said phrase (that he has NEVER used in our 21 years together), I did what I do best….GOOGLED IT.

What I found surprised me.  Seems that She’s a Going Jessie was a Rockabilly tune in 1956, by Andy Starr:

According to Mr. D, a “going Jessie” is something that is consistently moving in a certain di-RECK-shun.  Now, I’m not sure what came first, the saying or the song, but it’s safe to say that 8 year old Mr. D. likely picked up the saying from the song.  Go figure.  Along with playing “Lone Ranger” and “Green Beret”, he picked up “going Jessie” somewhere along the way.

THAT, is what I absolutely adore about the man.  After 20 years, he still surprises me.

Today, I took the day off to enjoy the day with my musical loving, golf-playing, totally hot, fisherman extraordinnaire husband. 

I can’t think of a better way to spend the day.  After all, he’s quite a “going Jessie”….


1 Comment

Posted by on June 12, 2009 in family, that's life, the river


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Mondays Suck Because…

they follow Sundays.

More to come on River Life shortly.  For now, back to the grind.


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