And the two shall be one….

13 May

I was all ready to snark about the crazy dancin’ at the Cajun Wedding we attended this weekend. (See previous post.) And, while we did have some great dancin’, the scenery and the overall event captivated me. Let me state for the record that I absolutely love my heritage. I’m blessed to be Cajun and married to a Cajun (I forgive him the 1/2 Yankee of his mother as she is a strict convert for over 60 years). This wedding was everything that is great about being Cajun….great people, great food, great love, great fun, great atmosphere.

To properly describe the event, I’ll start with this picture.


This is the lovely bride and groom saying their vows under one of the many stately live oak trees that surrounded us. A thunderstorm was threatening but never did deliver. It was an atypically nice May evening of temperatures in the high ’70’s and a light breeze off the water. Oh yeah, we were on the water….


Right after the ceremony, the clouds cleared and the most amazing sunset took place. We all stood around in awesome wonder watching the gorgeous ending of a wonderful day. Here are a few shots I captured of the sunset.


The structure in the water is an old chimney from a house that was once on the grounds. This is on Lake Peignur where, about 15 years ago an oil drilling rig punctured the salt dome causing the lake to drain rapidly, taking in many buildings and much of the grounds. Rip Van Winkle Gardens on Jefferson Island has been refurbished but some of the land will never be reclaimed.


This is Mr. D’s baby brother and his lovely wife watching their eldest son take his vows. They are the proud parents of six (yes, good Catholics).


The D family is very proud of their “D”….so much so that the flower girl had to work double time.

The sunset was absolutely fabulous and glorious and all of those adjectives that you can think of to describe awesome. Here are a few pictures to describe it.





There was music and lots of it. Some beautifully sung during the ceremony by a 17 year old neice who will be attending the Boston Conservatory in the fall. The rest supplied by a very nimble DJ. All of the cursory favorites were included, but somehow that’s not what I wanted to post about. This was a beautiful event that reminded me of the wonderful culture and heritage that my husband and I come from. So, I’ll only include one song in this post and it was the choice for the first dance of the married couple….


Nightfall didn’t end the party and under the stately oaks, a wonderful sparkler display lit up the dark to welcome another set of lovers into the world.




Posted by on May 13, 2007 in Uncategorized


12 responses to “And the two shall be one….

  1. shrewspeaks

    May 13, 2007 at 10:52 pm

    You really have a wonderful world.

  2. jenfera

    May 14, 2007 at 7:49 am

    Wow, what beautiful pictures! I have a question though. What is that…stuff hanging from the oak trees? My oak trees don’t have hangy stuff on them.

    p.s. – We used What a Wonderful World for our parent dances at our wedding.

  3. brc

    May 14, 2007 at 8:27 am

    Now that’s what life is all about… family, friends, music, love and beautiful sunsets! Glad you had a nice time. Thanks for sharing the photos and the music… I’ve got Louis’ “What a Wonderful World” on my iPod. It’s one of my all time favorites.

    Here’s a link to an article called Cajun Country from Smithsonian Magazine. It’s my favorite magazine and I thought of you when I read this in this month’s issue…

  4. music maven

    May 14, 2007 at 9:40 am

    jenfera — That is Spanish Moss. It is found on the Oak Trees of the South.

    brc — thanks for the article. I’ll have to explore it in detail later tonight.

  5. shrewspeaks

    May 14, 2007 at 9:51 am

    Need any advertising power down in God’s country?

    That power comes with beagle in tow though.

  6. jenfera

    May 14, 2007 at 10:04 am

    Cool. I like the dreamy quality the moss gives the trees. Makes them all look like weeping willows.

    Really, I am blown away by these pictures. I really need to get down there one of these days. I had dinner at the best (only?) Cajun place in New England last week. (write up in my blog later this week.) It definitely whet my appetite for more, and these pictures just cement it.

  7. texastaylorfan

    May 14, 2007 at 2:15 pm

    MM – that is just beautiful. Makes me wish I was from there. It really does.
    (Wouldn’t say that outloud, though. Just uttering them thar’ words is a crime in Texas.)

  8. leejolem

    May 14, 2007 at 3:15 pm

    When I was in high school I would ride to Florida during spring break with my bff and her mom and dad. Whoever spotted the 1st spanish moss got a quarter and bragging rights. Silly Yankess that we are–spanish moss is exciting when you’re used to green grass, soybean fields and wheat fields.
    DD the pic of the cross w/the sunset behind it is bee-yoo-tiful.

  9. Althea

    May 14, 2007 at 4:54 pm

    I’m one of nine children from a Catholic, although not Cajun family. Love the pictures, love the story and fell in love with your extended family as well. God bless the happy couple.

  10. Dingo

    May 14, 2007 at 5:38 pm


    Those pictures..

    They are beautiful beyond what any words could describe.

    Imagine being with the one you love and trust and your best friend. Now imagine being with him or her with those pictures as the backdrop.

    You see? Thats what heaven must be like and those moments are rare but once experienced, they are never forgotten. And throughout your life, no matter what comes your way or what tragedies may befall you, the beauty in those moments will continue to live long after you have passed.

    I dont know any Cajuns and Im not really sure I know what “they” are but I have always been fascinated by that heritage.

  11. nolagirl

    May 15, 2007 at 10:19 am

    Awesome, DD. What a great location. And NICE pics.

    I got some sunset pictures of my own this weekend – will e-mail them to you when I get home.

  12. Mark Jr

    February 22, 2008 at 4:47 pm

    DD. Just found your site, and I must say I’m impressed. Looking forward to being a frequent visitor. Your pics here reminded Karen and I of how wonderful that evening was. What a added bonus to find new ones we had yet to see. Anyway…Paulie’s is coming up. See you then.


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